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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.765848 - lng: 29.459963

Gelykwater Bonsmara


Plaas Uitkyk, 1055 Middelburg

0823245850 / 0823883250

We provide the market with quality Bonsmara stud bulls and females, that are ideal for beef production and very good cross breading.

Ons voorsien die mark met kwaliteit Bonsmaras stoet beeste wat geskik is vir vleisverbetering asook kruisteling.

Beef Production, Cross Breading, Stud Bulls
Company description
Gelykwater Bonsmara is a family driven production unit. We provide the market with quality Bonsmara stud bulls and females, that are ideal for beef production and very good cross breading. Gelykwater is situated 40km outside of Middelburg on the farm Uitkyk. A yearly Production sale is held every second Tuesday in July where one can obtain Bonsmara Bulls and females in different stages of production under the auspice of the Bonsmara society.

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