Home   →   Worcester Business Directory   →   R.a.e.l. Recovering Addicts Empowering Lives
GPS coordinates: lat: -33.645000 - lng: 19.443611

R.a.e.l. Recovering Addicts Empowering Lives


Breede Valley, 6849 Worcester

082 660 7747

086 646 9174

RAEL offers a safe and sober living environment during recovery from substance abuse. Having worked extensively on the ground, and being a recovered alcoholic himself, Anthony Hall has seen the desperate need for safe havens required in the Western Cape, where the recovering person has time to find themselves again, and heal spiritually and physically, before being able to reintegrate back into society as a functioning member.
The smallholding offers the comforts of a safe environment, where spiritual growth, woodworking, pottery, housekeeping, is the order of the day in terms of finding routine and accepting responsibility. We are situated within walking distance of the Bree River, and have large grounds for gardening and vegetable growing.
Members are assisted in opening bank accounts, obtaining drivers licenses, and identification documents.

Addiction Recovery
Company description
Anthony Hall, a former Drug squad (SANAB) and Murder and Robbery unit Detective went from a successful businessman to the park bench through alcohol and drugs.
Anthony is a sought after motivational speaker, and co-founder with Karin, his wife, of the farm, The House of Davnik. R.AE.L. itself, was founded in 2007. Additionally, he founded World Addiction Day on the 21st September 2009, and his life story was aired on television on the program 'Against all Odds' in August 2012. Anthony has featured on various media and radio stations, including Carte Blanche, Special Assignment and Chinese TV.
He has experienced both sides of the law, having arrested substance abusers in the past, to becoming an alcoholic /addict, and now devotes his time to helping people who struggle with addiction. The House of Davnik has been established to assist those in recovery from addiction / alcoholism in a safe environment, and Anthony stays permanently on the sober farm, unless travelling to give talks. In his motivational talks Anthony relates his life story to educate the youth, as well as parents, to remove the stigma attached to addiction.
Davnik is named in memory of David Dowlman and Nikki Wilkinson, close family and friend, who both died untimely deaths in their early years, due to substance abuse.
Currently the rehabilitation and detoxification centers that are wholly owned, and
subsidized by Government are unable to cope with the mass influx of patients needing
The current waiting period for Government assistance is approximately 6 months, and often detrimental to the user who is already desperate at this stage of seeking help.
We are of the opinion that long term users require a minimum of 3-6 months for recovery to be effective.
Service Areas
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans
Contact Persons
Anthony Hall

082 660 7747

082 660 7747

086 646 9174

Official Data

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