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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.890718 - lng: 29.295992

Tor Bricks


P O Box 974, 1035 Witbank

076 096 9343

013 680 1085

The holding company of Witbank Brickworks (1961) (Pty) Ltd is KAIROS INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED, a company listed on the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa (JSE).

Management, Customer Service, Building Industry, Bees, Salmon, Kilns, Jse Securities Exchange, Cameo, Honeycomb, Calabash, Industrial Holdings, Jse Securities, Clamp Technology, Sevilla Dark
Company description
The Company is run by a highly competent management team and supplies a product range of superior quality. Between the two operations around 3.5 million bricks are manufactured on a monthly basis, with the possibility of further expansion. Clay is mined from the Company's own reserves. Both operations produce top quality clay bricks making use of Kiln as well as Clamp technology. The Company employs approximately 280 individuals and is actively involved in various upliftment and empowerment initiatives, with a firm BEE policy that benefits all its Previously Disadvantaged Employees. With various challenges facing the building industry, management is firmly focused on refining the business while constantly improving quality and customer service. Not only do we want to be known as a substantial player in the market, delivering a quality product to delighted customers, but also for being an employer of excellence, being focused on the things that has eternal value, providing all employees the opportunity to go about their daily tasks with a sense of purpose and meaning by truly making a difference in the lives of our customers and fellow employees.

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