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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.112614 - lng: 27.898535

Purple Chilli Technologies


44 Eagle Creek, Dragme Avenue, 1736 Wilgehuewel - Johannesburg



A company dedicated to offering professional solutions at an affordable rate within the information technology sector.
With a comprehensive product and service offering, not to mention quality expertise, Purple Chilli provides it's customers with quality affordable solutions which can be depended upon.

Hardware, Email, Software, Website Design, Computers, Hosting, Website, Website Hosting, Voip, Wifi, Support Services, Website Maintenance, Network Installation, Hotspot, Broadband Connectivity, Hotel Internet, Custom Written Software
Company description
Purple Chilli has a strong relationship with all the major hardware and software distributors in South Africa, thus enabling us to provide hardware and "off the shelf" software to our clients at affordable prices. Purple Chilli has also developed a few "in-house" products, namely: Spice-e is a wi-fi hotspot system The concept behind this system is that the hotel incurs absolutely no cost. Purple Chilli will supply, install and maintain all equipment required to provide wireless internet to it's guests. TAKT is a system of control boxes, led display boards and various interface devices combined with intelligent software which controls the process flow of production and assembly lines. Oblix is a software system developed "in-house" to improve the legendary open-source PABX system known as Asterisk*. Custom Written Software We are experts in the rapid development of web-based, distributed and standalone applications for business. Website Design, Hosting & Email Purple Chilli will design, host and maintain your website, from registation to email and all the "behind the scenes" activities like "backup, webmail, dns and databases". Hardware and Software Sales We have a strong relationship with all the major hardware and software distributors in South Africa, thus enabling us to provide hardware and "off the shelf" software to our clients at affordable prices. Network Installations We can design, install and maintain your local, wireless or wide area network. Support Contracts Purple Chilli can offer a monthly support contract to ensure the successful running of your information technology investments.