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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.690941 - lng: 27.826490

Maria de Lange Speech Therapy and Audiology


Omega Building Floor 2, 1911 Vanderbijlpark

016 931 1515

016 931 1517

Individualised but holistic approach to assessment and treatment of hearing loss, speech/ communication related problems and poor school progress if applicable.
Population to assess and treat include babies, children and adults.
Hearing aid fittings, hearing protection and swimplugs.
Referrals to appropriate professions or specialists and therapy sessions with care-givers and family members to ensure holistic treatment.

Baby, Rehabilitation, Adults, Hearing Test, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Aid Fittings, Stuttering, Speech Problems, Auditory Processing Problems, Specialized Hearing Tests, Poor School Progress, Voice Problems, Neurological Communication Deficits, Neonatal Feeding and Swallowing Problems, Late Talker, Individualized Treatment Plans, Articulation Problems, Poor Language Development, Children’s Services
Company description
Hearing aid fittings, hearing protection and swimplugs.
Early Communication Intervention, feeding assessment and therapy, general communication assessment and intervention for babies and toddlers with high risk factors such as low birth weight, prematurity, poor Apgar, illness, history of middle ear infection, etc.
Assessment and treatment of articulation, language and auditory processing for young children with poor school progress and academic related problems.
Assessment and treatment for children and adults with poor speech fluency/ who stutters or with voice problems due to abuse and misuse of vocal cords.
Assessment and treatment of children with autism.
Assessment and treatment of children with cerebral palsy.
Assessment and treatment of adults with neurological communication problems due to stroke or brain injury.
Referrals to appropriate professions or specialists.

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