Home   →   Vanderbijlpark Business Directory   →   Corro Pump Manufacturing
GPS coordinates: lat: -26.739731 - lng: 27.805010

Corro Pump Manufacturing


12 Joubert Str, Lasiandra, 1905 Vanderbijlpark

011 918 8189

011 918 7677

Opening hours

  • Monday: 07:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 07:00-17:00
  • Wednesday:                   07:00-17:00
  • Thursday: 07:00-17:00
  • Friday: 07:00-13:00
  • Saturday: 07:00-13:00
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Corro Pump Manufacturing 12 Joubert Str, Lasiandra, 1905 Vanderbijlpark

Available payment methods

Manufacturers of corrosion resistant chemical, stainless steel and saltwater pumps.

Manufacturing, Chemicals, Mining, Pumps, Industry, Corrosion, Resistant, Transfer Pumps, Acid Pumps
Company description
The Corro Pump product provides a cost-effective alternative for many harsh chemical processes which would normally require pumps constructed from exotic metal alloys or plastic lined pumps. Our Corro Pump also handles innocous but nonetheless troublesome fluids with ease such as chlorinated water and seawater. As a composite material, the Corro Pump has the same external corrosion resistant capabilities as it has internally. This allows the pump to withstand acid spills or leakages from other sources. It also allows the pump to be immersed in chemicals when it is being used as a vertical spindle pump for sump and spillage applications.
Service Areas
Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Rustenburg, Mahikeng, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, Vaal Triangle.
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Tswana, Sesotho.
Contact Persons
Burger Warren

011 918 8189

2783 391 7106

011 918 7677

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