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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.939091 - lng: 18.858271

Smart Heritage Consultants


117 Dorp Street, 7599 Stellenbosch

083 325 6138 / 021 882 8927 / 0861000529

086 689 2749

Environmental and Heritage Impact Studies.

Section 34 -Permit applications to Heritage Western Cape in order to obtain permission for alterations, restorations and demolition of buildings older than 60 years.

Appeal Applications to the relevant Appeal Tribunals of Heritage Authorities .

Renovations, Consultants, Architecture, Alterations, History, House Plans, Heritage, Historical Buildings, Heritage Law, Heritage Consultants, Historiese Geboue, Heritage Architecture
Company description
Drafting of Conservation Management Plans en related contracts, in terms of Section 42 of The National Heritage Resources Act.
(All of the above are done in conjunction with and on behalf of the relevant industry Professionals, such as Heritage Architects, Historians, Archaeologists and Town Planners.)
Commercial contracts.

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