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GPS coordinates: lat: -29.729595 - lng: 31.058771

I Care


57 Hambridge Avenue, 4019 Somerset Park

031 572 6870

031 572 6875

I Care is a non-profit organisation devoted to finding meaningful and sustainable solutions to the challenge of street children in South Africa and a ministry that promotes a Christian ethos.

Solutions, International, Organisations, Local, Mission, Fund, Ministries, Holistic Approach, Donors, Non Profit Organisations, Members Of Society, Foundation Trust, Public Donations, Street Children
Company description
I Care works towards achieving its mission through the adoption of a holistic approach which we call the I Care cycle, the aim of which is to create effective members of society who are productive and able to give something back.
We aim to use public donations, both local and international, on activities that reflect our mission. We wish to provide our donors with the comfort that they need regarding the legitimate use of their funds.
We acknowledge our duty to our employees and agents and will strive to be an employer of choice by offering them opportunities for self-development and enrichment.
As guardians of public funds, we believe that we must be directed by our Christian beliefs in all aspects of our activities and strive to create an environment which respects the beliefs and feelings of all our stakeholders.
We believe in applying this principle in the following ways:
We acknowledge that we are all children of God and are all special in His sight. The distinction between classes is therefore a social one which has no place in our organisation. This value requires we treat each person as special and work towards revealing those God-given gifts that reside in all of us
We acknowledge that we act in a fiduciary capacity towards the public and that we are working towards the betterment of society. As such we will act in an open and honest manner and are fully accountable to the public for the funds advanced to us for the furtherance of our mission.