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GPS coordinates: lat: -34.015892 - lng: 22.779488

Sedgefield Financial Services C.c


5 Hertzog Street, The Island, 6573 Sedgefield - Garden Route


044 343 2854

The business was established in 1996 and deals only with established and reputable product providers. Contact us for reliable service and full assessment of your needs.

Insurance, Insurance Agents, Investments, Short Term Insurance, Retirement Planning, Long, Pension Fund, Medical Aids, Provident Funds, Gap Cover, Group Benefits, Group Medical Schemes
Company description
Sedgefield Financial Services c.c and John Tomlinson and associates are registered and accredited financial services providers, we are founder members of Masthead Financial Advisors Association and offer a full range of insurance, investment, retirement planning and medical aid schemes. We are positioned to service the A and B income groups.

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