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GPS coordinates: lat: -34.016800 - lng: 22.804813

Psychic Pinto


Mossie Avenue, 6573 Sedgefield - Eden


Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:00-16:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-16:00
  • Friday: 08:00-16:00
  • Saturday:                   08:00-16:00
  • Sunday: 08:00-16:00
To schedule an appointment, kindly contact us during office hours. 082 968 4436

Available payment methods

Psyhic Pinto:
Advice of all kinds, Motivator, and Life Coach. Readings available, private consultations, phone readings, chat messenger readings and email readings. Renowned by all who knows him, you are ensured of an unforgettably powerful session.

Ayla Blue Raven:
A Metaphysical Practitioner, Healer, Holistic Tarot Reader and Holistic Teacher since 1996. Seeked out for her incredibly vast knowledge and skills, your life would be enhanced with any of her services offered. An Expert in the dynamics of internal & external balance. Dealing with the subconscious for patterns & issues in your life, and how to change them.

Courses, Healing, Expert, Meditation, Guidance, Life Coach, Angels, Tarot, Esoteric, Psychic Readings, Numerology, Divination, Psychic Pinto, Email Readings, Psychics, Motivator, Psychic Expert, Pendulum, Advisors, Psychic Email Reading, Angel Cards, Psychic Advisor
Company description
Pinto is a well known and beloved psychic for the last 18 years. His teachings and courses have brought his students much insight, Self-realization and personal power.
Renowned by all who knows him!
His readings are insightful and will assist you in times of change and any shifts you are going through. You will receive clear indications, guidance and directions, and may include teachings coming through for you to apply.
He has also designed his own oracle deck, the Psychic Pinto Oracle Deck.
Feel welcome to join our Fb Page, "The Ancient Mystics & Oracles". An inspirational, slow-paced, delightful "Place" <3
~The Ancient Mystics and Oracles~
Welcomes you...
Important info:
Please understand that your reader is “blind” in your life, for he/she receives brief glimpses of guidance for you. The part you play in all of this, is to look at this “puzzle” you receive from your reader and to put the pieces together into your life. The readers do take your life to heart, and do their best to help you gain insight and understanding. The reader is a guide; the rest is up to you...
Keep your reading somewhere safe, and look at it one year from now. You will be quite surprised!
~The Ancient Mystics & Oracles~ - Links
Pinto on facebook: pintosanchez7
Bid or Buy link: http://www.bidorbuy.co.za/seller/2054881/Sanchez_Collectables
Etsy Shop Link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheAncientMystics
Bonanza Booth: http://www.bonanza.com/booths/AncientMystics
Shop on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAncientMysticsAndOracles/app_196248510415671
The Ancient Mystics & Oracles on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheAncientMysticsAndOracles
Ayla on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Sanchez4LaQueSabe
Ayla on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AylaBlueRaven
Ayla on Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ayla-sanchez/62/681/a6/
Ayla on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/10689980784791295890
Service Areas
Contact Persons
Ayla Sanchez



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