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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.757265 - lng: 28.292540

Xact Analysis


116 Bouvardia Ave, Lynnwood Ridge, 0081 Pretoria


086 693 7601

Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-17:00
  • Friday:                   08:00-17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Xact Analysis 116 Bouvardia Ave, Lynnwood Ridge, 0081 Pretoria

Xact Analysis offers professional and reliable truth verification services to help businesses curb existing and potential losses and save money.

Why our service is superior:
No “Yes” or “No” answers, questions are open ended and whole conversations can be analysed.
No limit to the number of questions to be asked. Unlike the standard polygraph MGQT questioning.
Interviews can be conducted telephonically or on-site.
More detailed and informative results achieved.

We conduct interviews with your employees or potential employees (on-site or telephonically) and provide you with a report detailing results and findings regarding the truthfulness of the person usually within 24 hours.

Our truth verification services are used for:
Pre-employment screening, Honesty maintenance, Incident related investigations.
Please visit www.xactanalysis.co.za

Polygraph Testing, Truth Verification, Lie Detection Tests, Lie Detecting, Vetting, Polygraph Service, Evidence Gathering Equipment, Lie Detector Test, Lie Tests, Employment Screening, Pre Employment Screening, Verification Of Truth, Pre-Employment Screening Tests, Employee Scan, Workplace Investigations, Staff Checks, Employee Vetting, Honesty Maintenance, Lie Detection Test, Pre-Employment Assessment, Employee Incident Management, Lie Detection Services, Pre-Employment Tests, Test your Employees, Employee Scaning, Layered Voice Analysis, Veracity Assessment, Employee Honesty, Lie Detector Testing
Company description
What we do: Layered Voice Analysis 6.50. Xact Analysis offers an investigative and ongoing service to help businesses curb potential losses and save money. We enable employers and investigators to expose workplace theft and disloyalty issues, and to create a deterrent. Xact Analysis utilises a new solution to detect deceit and to verify truth: Nemesysco's LVA6.50. The system is based on Layered Voice Analysis technology designed to be used as an investigation focus tool. We provide truth verification services by doing voice analysis through computer technology. Whole conversations are analysed and not just yes/no answers. The analysis process can be done in real-time yet conversations are also recorded to enable off-line detailed analysis and reporting. The final report provides comprehensive data and robust quantitative results that can be used together with other information obtained by the client. Services: LVA testing (incident investigations) & LVA-i testing (Pre-employement and Honesty Maintenance screening) The LVA uses a patented and unique technology to detect Brain activity finger prints using the voice as a medium to the brain and analyzes the complete emotional structure.
Contact Persons
Winterbach Lelani


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