Home   →   Pretoria Business Directory   →   Cilliers & Swart Physiotherapist
GPS coordinates: lat: -25.799198 - lng: 28.298624

Cilliers & Swart Physiotherapist


526 Windsor Road, 0081 Pretoria - Garsfontein


Opening hours

  • Monday: 07:00-19:00
  • Tuesday: 07:00-19:00
  • Wednesday: 07:00-19:00
  • Thursday: 07:00-19:00
  • Friday:                   07:00-19:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Please contact: 079 7368 465 Emergency number: 072 1512 918 E-mail: cilliersswartphysio@gmail.com Website: http://physiopretoria.co.za/

Available payment methods

Sport Physiotherapist in Pretoria east. Physiotherapist are specialists in the field of diagnosing and treating muscle, joint, ligament, tendon and nerve damage. You don't need a doctor's letter to see a physio, we can also send you for all the scans and x-rays if it's needed.

Let us discuss your pain, give us a call.

Physiotherapist charge according to the medical aid rates, and no co-payment is necessary.

Physios are medical practitioners that diagnose & treat a wide range of pathology using different techniques and machines to accelerate healing. Physios provide effective research based treatment for various conditions, injuries, pain & stiffness. Movement analysis and muscle pattern assessment plays a vital role.

Physiotherapists, Physiotherapist Pretoria, Physio Pretoria, Physiotherapist Pretoria East, Physio Pretoria East, Sports Physio, Fisio Pretoria, Sports Injury Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist Pain Treatment, Fisioterapeut Pretoria, Fisio Pretoria Oos, Physiotherapist Treatment
Company description
Their logo exemplifies their distinctive approach: Preventative, Pro-active and Performance. As part of their preventative nature they focus on injury prevention. A detailed musclulo-skeletal screening performed by qualified professionals, aims to decrease your chances of serious injury. They provide professional advice on how to manage injuries correctly.
Renier Cilliers is a trained Cecchetti ballet dancer that brings a new perspective to the dance world. He has performed and worked with various professional companies. He prides himself on his active rehabilitation strategy to allow dancers to continue training while the pathology is being monitored.
Jaco Swart is a competitive MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter, with exceptional knowledge regarding combative and collision sports. He uses Yoga and Pilates as part of his rehabilitation and has gained a valuable understanding of flexibility and strength.
Service Areas
Pretoria east
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans,
Contact Persons
Renier Cilliers



Jaco Swart


Official Data

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