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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.680573 - lng: 28.179899

Miraculous Medical Slimming


199 Koos De La Rey Street, 0116 Pretoria North


Opening hours

  • Monday:                   07:30-18:30
  • Tuesday: 07:30-18:30
  • Wednesday: 07:30-18:30
  • Thursday: 07:30-18:30
  • Friday: 07:30-15:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
For scheduling consultations and appointments contact Karin: 071 677 5976 OR Minnette : 071 382 2562

Available payment methods

Need weight loss ? Want CM loss ? And gain muscle too ?!

Do you want to drop a jean size or just be able to get the button and zip closed of your favorite skinny jean? Would you like to lose some belly fat to fit into that red dress perfectly without tucking your tummy in ? Longing to show off that beautiful top but to shy of your arms ? Do you feel like your love handles spoils your look? Was the answer yes, yes and YES to any of the questions ? Then we have the perfect solution!! OUR SOLUTION ? LASER LIPO!!! Wondering what is laser lipo, does it work and is it safe ? Keep on reading !!
Following underneath, an explanation of our process and a list of answers to questions you might have, BUT we suggest you visit our salon for a free consultation session in order to explain everything and give you peace of mind!

Electrotherapy, Laser Lipo, Cellulite Treatment, Fir Sauna, Medical Slimming, Weight Loss and Slimming In Pretoria, Cm Weight Loss
Company description
Our process :
Non-invasive Laser Lipo technology works with a cold laser to liquefy fat cells painlessly. In contrast to Liposuction, the non-invasive Laser Lipo does not remove the fat cell, it drains it. The fat can be drained by a healthy person’s lymphatic system reducing by a few inches each week. The Laser Lipo works by triggering the cell membrane to break and release the fat from the cells. It is safe, painless and completely noninvasive.
What results can one expect from the Laser Lipo treatment?
Male and female clients have found that those hard to reduce trouble spots, such as love handles, tummy bulge, and saddlebags can be treated quite significantly within just a few treatments.
How many treatments are needed ?
The standard treatment protocol is 2 to 3 times per week for 4 to 10 weeks . Maintenance treatments can be performed monthly after the full treatments have been completed .
Is the Laser Lipo different from other contour treatments?
There are other devices on the market that use ultrasound & radio frequency treatments, or the invasive type liposuction treatments. The Laser is completely non-invasive and the cold red laser cannot be felt or heard making the treatment extremely relaxing, quick and effective. The Laser Lipo also uses two probes that assist with lymphatic drainage to assist the body in flushing the fat and waste.
Is treatment with the LipoLaser safe?
The LipoLaser is very safe. In fact, the initial purpose of low level laser technology was for pain relief and cell regeneration for healing. A clinical trial demonstrated that modifying the frequencies and output was effective for fat reduction and after continued studies it was discovered that low level laser therapy was a safe and effective indication for contouring and spot fat reduction.
Our mission is to get you smiling and shining while you are shrinking!
We are truly dedicated to help you!!
Call us:
Karin : 071 677 5976
Minnette : 072 382 2562
Service Areas
Pretoria North, Gauteng
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans
Contact Persons
Karin Moolman



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