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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.715996 - lng: 27.097059

Cleaning Sparkles


16 Mooilaan, Grimbeeckpark, Potchefstroom, 2520 Potchefstroom - Potchefstroom



Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:30-12:00,13:00-16:00
  • Tuesday:                   08:30-12:00,13:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 08:30-12:00,13:00-16:00
  • Thursday: 08:30-12:00,13:00-16:00
  • Friday: 08:30-12:00,13:00-16:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Cleaning Sparkles 16 Mooilaan, Grimbeeckpark, Potchefstroom, 2520 Potchefstroom

Available payment methods

For all your cleaning needs with a huge variety: Domestic cleaning, office cleaning, flat cleaning, complexes, complex cleaning, contracts, flat servicing, pool maintenance, pre-occupation, general occupation, post-occupation, after party, industrial cleaning, once off cleaning, monthly contracts, driveway cleaning, all over cleaning, all cleaning needs. We also sell the chemical we use for the cleaning for DIY purposes. Call now for a quotation on your cleaning needs!

Industrial Cleaning, Contracts, Office Cleaning, Pool Maintenance, Complex, Domestic Cleaning, Driveway Cleaning, Once Off Cleaning, Pre-Occupation, Monthly Contracts, All Over Cleaning, Flat Cleaning, General Occupation, Post-Occupation, Flat Servicing, All Cleaning Needs, Afterparty, Complex Cleaning
Company description
Cleaning Sparkles is different from all the other cleaning companies. Why? The quality of service tells us apart! For all your cleaning needs with a huge variety: If you are working too hard and can’t manage cleaning the house yourself: DOMESTIC CLEANING, Working too hard at the office and don’t want a maid cleaning whole day long not doing much: OFFICE CLEANING, Property owner, had guests, wants a cleanup after they left? Or guests arriving? PROPERTY SERVICING Living in a complex, the passages and stairs and elevator needs cleaning? COMPLEX MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING Don’t want your maid to disappear overnight leaving you in a pickle? CONTRACTS, No time to keep the pool clean and the water clear? POOL MAINTENANCE, Moving into a new place? PRE OCCUPATION CLEANING, Moving out of a place: POST OCCUPATION CLEANING, Work functions or private party and don’t want to clean the next day? AFTER PARTY CLEANING, Renovations being done? INDUSTRIAL CLEANING, AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!! once off cleaning, monthly contracts, driveway cleaning, all over cleaning, all cleaning needs. We also sell the chemical we use for the cleaning for DIY purposes. Call now for a quotation on your cleaning needs!

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