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GPS coordinates: lat: -29.241537 - lng: 16.900448

Beauty For Ashes


Street, 8280 Port Nolloth


My name is, Cecil Charles Haynie, and it is with great delight that I’m writing to you today. About a year ago I started writing down events in my life which broke me and shaped me, and I am proud to announce that my first book called, BEAUTY FOR ASHES, has been released! Here is a slight preview of the content – “Follow the soul journey of a young man who was molested as a 9-year-old boy and then questioned his identity deep into his late twenties. “BEAUTY FOR ASHES” makes the statement that no matter how dark your darkness might be; God is able to change things for the better, even when you think they are unchangeable.

Christian Books, Inspirational Books, Love Books, Young Man, True Story Books
Company description
“I had my first life versus death, angel versus demon, light versus darkness encounter. Life was keeping me, while death kept pushing me. The angel was protecting me, while the demon tried harming me. Darkness tried killing me, but the light eventually
saved me...Why do we hold on to our ASHES when BEAUTY is freely given? Would you trade it all? Would you give it all away in a heartbeat if you could? Would you lay it all down and think of it no more if you were given the chance? Would you? You’ve been carrying your crown of ASHES for too long, my friend. Trading hour has officially begun, and the time has come to receive your crown of Beauty for Ashes".

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