Home   →   Port Elizabeth Business Directory   →   Jabula Lodge
GPS coordinates: lat: -33.991394 - lng: 25.655550

Jabula Lodge


36 Avonmouth Cres, 6001 Port Elizabeth - Summerstrand

041 583 1263

041 583 1263

Port Elizabeth Events are more Popular than ever before. Once an event takes place in Port Elizabeth, it's sometimes very difficult to find accommodation. Jabula Lodge lists now most of the events taking place in Summerstrand, so that our Guests can make sure, that accommodation can be found very quickly and efficiently. Only known events are currently published, but should anyone know of an event, that is not listed below, even if it be a business event or training for that matter Jabula Lodge and Guests will highly appreciate that it be emailed to our bookings department, so that the event might be listed as well.

Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast

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