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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.923389 - lng: 25.562071

Drum Beat Media


20 Romneya Crescent, 6020 Port Elizabeth

041 8188 868

086 551 3422

Opening hours

  • Monday: 09:00-15:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00-15:00
  • Wednesday: 09:00-15:00
  • Thursday:                   09:00-15:00
  • Friday: 09:00-15:00
  • Saturday: 10:00-13:00
  • Sunday: closed
Should you require to meet in person to discuss the finer details of your project requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me via the number on the company presentation page / via the displayed email address in order to check availability and confirm a date and time.

Our network of professional proof readers, editors and authors affords us the opportunity to offer as a business function a variety of professional, academic and personal writing services.

Books, Networking, Editing, Publishing, Proofreading, Typesetting, Literature, Knowledge Sharing, African Literature, Document Styling, Copyrighting
Company description
db Media has positioned itself as a platform for aspiring writers / artists / singers / designers / if creatively inspired, you would seek a berth here whether it be through consequence or rational choice, with a publishing history spanning 5 years and 7 publications later, this small team of dedicated and passionate individuals care to inspire and motivate their peers and critics alike to delve wholeheartedly into the streams of creativity, raw-emotion and down-right gall of the spirit and written word of a writer/author/poet/etc. and feel the pulse that so freely flows through the veins of many a man and woman alike. Through various media channels we aim to grow, nurture and develop a network of professionally informed, creatively aware and ground by their history individuals to make known and heard an unheard history, keep steadfast the very essence of the meaning of what it is to be an AFRICAN in an era never before recorded in the annals of the history of the human race, to transcend and dissociate and blur the racial and cultural boundaries which we grew to be so aware of and yet which were not born into but bred. My mind races with the possibilities… A connected AFRICA, speaking not to each other in terms of a mother tongue but in a broader sphere where feeling & the strumming of the chords of the soul is all that is needed to connect, interpret and appreciate the expressions and experiences of another.
Service Areas
Global due to the use of an on-line document submission facility.

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