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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.960171 - lng: 25.617510

Dragonfyre Holistic Healing


39 Upper Hill Sreet, 6001 Port Elizabeth


Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Thursday:                   08:00-17:00
  • Friday: 08:00-17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
In order to schedule appointments, please call during normal office hours, send us an email or whatsapp message

Available payment methods

Get to the crux of what is not working in your life, uncover what it is in YOU that has caused your current condition, release it, forgive and finally move forward in your life. Ultimately heal in all aspects of yourself, uncover your light and shine it so brightly without doubt. We unapologetically give you the tools to free your spirit from the shackles of your past, from the patterns you have learned from the examples you have had, from your past lives and from anything else that anchors you in your current situation. We search your body for dis-ease of your spirit, we help you cut chords with the contracts or pacts of the past that are stopping you from fulfilling your life purpose and soul mission. We shine a light in the darkest corners of your soul to uncover the skeletons that threaten to trip you up on your journey of life and inhibit your success in your relationships, your work and all areas where you may be having trouble.

Holistic Healing, Alternative Healing
Company description
Dragonfyre has its foundation in ancient Usui Reiki Healing principles but incorporates all forms of healing in order to unlock the full potential of the soul. Reiki is the flow of unblocked energy from Source to you, the client, which streams to the areas of your body and spirit most in need of healing. Often it is not only the body requiring assistance to be well but rather the spirit that is causing the body to react. Reiki also works in your body’s energy field and aura, focusing energy into the chakras, cleansing them and allowing them to spin in a way that allows obstructions to be cleared.
Working together with the diagnosis of your allopathic practitioner (medical doctor), we support the healing of the dis-ease that the diagnosis has identified, uncovering the source of the symptoms that your body is manifesting – truly going right to the cause of the ailment - and unpacking where it has come from, what has caused it and why. Knowing what needs to be released then allows you to understand what needs to be let go and what needs to be forgiven in order for the spirit to be at peace. This then results in the body also being at ease and peace, allowing it to activate its own pharmacy, leading to holistic wellness. This includes all forms of wellness: Emotional, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social, Spiritual, Environmental and Financial Wellness.
Therefore, we are about helping you unlock your spirit so that you can truly be well in all aspects. Some may find this a little daunting because many of us like the fact that certain things are hidden, even from ourselves - in fact that which we keep hidden especially from ourselves. Not only do we help you shine your own light, bright and strong and true, but we show you your beauty and your deservingness of all the good that your life really has to offer. Most importantly, we ask that in order to truly heal in the fullest definition of the word, permanently, you take full responsibility for your healing.
Spoken languages
Afrikaans, French, German
Contact Persons
Virginia Callanan



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