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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.822544 - lng: 25.659235

African Pioneer Limited


54 Second Avenue, 6055 Port Elizabeth - Newton Park

+27 (0)41 363 8181

+27 (0)41 363 4942

AFRICAN PIONEER LIMITED (APL) started out from very humble beginnings in 1990. It occurred to the founders at the time that there were major changes about to take place in South Africa, which could bring vast, unprecedented opportunities. A “new” economy would come into existence. This called for a new approach to investment that called for considerable amounts of vision and strategic thinking in stride with the changes.
African Pioneer Limited seeks to promote and unite entrepreneurship through joint business ventures, mentoring, teaching, and creating opportunites for its members and the wider community anywhere in South Africa.

Fishing, Investments, Vision, Black Economic Empowerment, Pioneer, Power Team, Strategic Thinking, Capital Base, Hytec, Pioneer Fishing, Well-Managed Businesses, African Legend Investment, Tectra, African Pioneer
Company description
At its early stages African Pioneer Limited, through various wholly owned subsidiaries, engaged in a number of businesses namely; retail, distribution and logistics businesses in the black townships and coloured areas. It specialised in the products of such industrial giants like Parmalat and Coca cola.
Through a policy of pragmatic and progressive business management the company expanded substantially and now has a larger shareholder base and a strong organisational infrastructure. There are almost a hundred individual shareholders that are predominantly from the black communities of the Eastern Cape. APL attracts considerable goodwill in its name, and operates throughout South Africa.

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