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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.899935 - lng: 27.454876

Martin Strydom Architects


23 Kerk Street, 9585 Parys

082 405 4100

086 522 1668

Architectural consultant's.
Projects among others include a civic center, air force communications complex and tower, medical-center and theater, one stop shopping mall, various other retail and commercial projects, educational facilities, prison, a wide range of office development types, recreation and sports resorts, community- and welfare facilities, group housing and numerous residential projects in both rural and urban settings.

Project Management, Building Plans, Building Consultants, Architect Design, Architect Planning
Company description
We strive for excellence in every aspect of our work, taking pride in the pursuit of optimal, innovative and timeless solutions. Our aim is to integrate and resolve the inevitable conflicts that range from public/private to socially acceptable/ commercially viable, in order to reconcile the artistic aspect of a building within cost, time and quality control. Residential Projects: Special attention is given to the linkage between interior/exterior spaces, celebrating the unique South African lifestyle. A manifestation of desirable living, rather than that of mere housing. We pride ourselves in the skilful and artistic use of space, volume and form.

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