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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.771408 - lng: 18.960732

Winelands Endermologie


92 Main Road, 7646 Paarl

021 863 0339

086 675 6780

Opening hours

  • Monday: 09:00-19:30
  • Tuesday: 09:00-19:30
  • Wednesday: 09:00-19:30
  • Thursday:                   09:00-19:30
  • Friday: 09:00-19:30
  • Saturday: 09:00-13:00
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Winelands Endermologie 92 Main Road, 7646 Paarl

LPG Systems describes how the technique works. Endermologie utilizes aspiration, produced by a vacuum pump, to suck the skin up between two motorized rollers into a fold or pleat. This fold is then kneaded by the two rollers attached to the treatment head. Because the suction level is electronically controlled, the rollers constantly adjust themselves to the thickness of the patient's skin. As the treatment sessions progress, the skin becomes more supple and elastic, causing the rollers to adapt and reach increasingly deep layers.
Our hours are from Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 07:00, Saterdays 08:00 - 13:00.
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Cape, Treatment, Massage, Skin, Slimming, Make Up, Cellulite, Special Occasions, Endermologie, Blood, Body Contouring, Peel, Circulation, Vacuums, Toning, Fat Reduction, Elastic, Body Waxing, Suction, Pleat, Body Remodelling, Oxygen Flow, Endermologie Paarl, Endermologie Clinic, Aspirations
Company description
Endermologie improves the circulation by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the suffocated cellulite tissues and thereby accelerating the drainage of the stagnant waste products of metabolism via the lymphatic system and the fine blood capillaries. The metabolism of the fat cells is improved, encouraging them to lose some of their contents and thus shrink in size. Endermologie was used initially to treat scars in patients who had suffered burns, to soften the scars and improve elasticity and mobility of the scarred skin. An additional, unexpected benefit was soon noted; an improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Endermologie has been approved by the FDA in the USA. Since being launched there , patients have been queuing up for what has been described as the 'most exciting breakthrough in body contouring since the invention of liposuction by a French surgeon, Dr Y Illouz'.
Dr Illouz currently uses Endermologie in conjunction with liposuction, to smooth, tone and decrease post-operative swelling. A number of plastic surgeons are offering Endermologie as an alternative to liposuction, for those patients who feel more comfortable with a non-invasive procedure as well as pre- and post liposuction treatment.

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