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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.595798 - lng: 22.207094

Ten Million Steps For Cancer Trust


28D Orangestreet, 6625 Oudtshoorn


Joppie Fourie, a father from OUdtshoorn, lost his daughter to cancer in 2009 and is now walking 5100km through SA, pushing a customised hospital bed, to raise funds for cancer research. His motto that he want to bring forth is that we must celebrate life. As he is walking ten million steps he would like to raise R10 000 000 for research. Banking details for donations van be found on the website. Joppie can be followed on twitter @joppiefourie and on facebook Joppie Fourie tenmillionstepsforcancer. Sms cancer to 33903 cost only R1.50

Charity Organization, Celebrate Life, Joppie Fourie, Customized Hospital Bed, Ten Million Steps for Cancer
Company description
5 100 km, 113 towns, one year and Ten Million Steps for Cancer! A man, his love for his late daughter and those who are suffering from cancer, a customised hospital bed and about ten million steps.
This is the story of 50 year old Joppie Fourie from Oudtshoorn, South Africa for 2011 and 2012. Saturday 6 August 2011 Ten Million Steps for Cancer started in honour of Joppie’s daughter Marlené. 17 year old Marlené was born on 9 August 1991 and passed away on 5 July 2009 after suffering from a very aggressive and extremely painful type of bone cancer. It is Marlené’s positive attitude, her way of embracing life, her love for life during her last months, her hope, her love and her inspiration that inspired her dad Joppie to take the first of Ten Million Steps for Cancer on the Saturday prior to celebration of what would have been Marlené’s 20th birthday.The sole mission of Joppie’s Ten Million Steps for Cancer is “to inspire cancer patients, create and promote awareness for the suffering brought about by cancer and to raise funds for various needs regarding cancer.”
This is a physical, emotional and spiritual campaign for cancer prevention and awareness.He will do motivational talks and visit community and national radio stations in various towns on his way.Joppie’s marathon walk in aid of cancer will include visits to oncology units, hospitals, mayors, cancer patients and cancer interim houses.
“By doing the Ten Million Steps for Cancer I wish to share and demonstrate the tough road that those who are suffering from cancer are on daily. This project is my passion and lies very close to my heart. I know from experience what people and their families go through when a person suffers from cancer and would love to make a difference to all of them.”

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