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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.003130 - lng: 28.102119

Mark's Sports Therapy and Hyperbaric Centre


27 Candy Street, 1685 Midrand

+2711 805-3850

+2711 805-4803

The information provided by Mark's Sports Therapy and Hyperbaric Centre does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for information purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied are being made.

Medical, Sports, Centre, Therapy, Injury, Skin, Orthopedic, Stroke, Recommendations, Hyperbaric, Canine, Victims
Company description
This skin flap was performed 48hrs after Mohs surgery to remove a malignant melanoma in-situ.
The whole purpose of Mohs surgery is to remove as little tissue as is possible. Once done, the skin flap repair should yield as little scarring as possible. The unfortunate outcome of this skin flap failure could have resulted in disfigurement far greater than had standard plastic surgery protocols been used to remove the melanoma. The use of Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments prevented this potentially severely disfiguring outcome.
The initial casualty prognosis was that the damage was so extensive and bone fragments so scattered (finger bones being so small and delicate) that amputation at the knuckle was a strong probability. Upon further consultation with the Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr Mike Cheesman, and an understanding that hyperbaric oxygen therapy would be used as an adjunct treatment in an attempt to save the finger, surgery was initiated. It was however anticipated that additional surgery, (plastic) would be needed at a later stage because of the lack of tissue on the top of the finger.

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