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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.782509 - lng: 29.453718

Water Rhapsody Conservation Systems


28 Limpopo Street, 1050 Middelburg



Opening hours

  • Monday:                   08:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-17:00
  • Friday: 08:00-17:00
  • Saturday: 08:00-17:00
  • Sunday: 08:00-17:00
Opening hours for Water Rhapsody Conservation Systems 28 Limpopo Street, 1050 Middelburg

What Water Rhapsody can do for you

Harvest your rainwater, Re-cycle your greywater to irrigate your garden, Re-use greywater in car washes, schools &offices, Re-use your backwashed pool water, Save on toilet flushing, Save up to 90% of your municipal water bill, 17 years of experience in water conservation, 3500 installations with 23 dealers in SA, Clients include Mutual, Wits, Uct and hundreds more. Count Every Drop is a Franchise for the Water Rhapsody water conservation systems for Middelburg Mpumalanga. Water Rhapsody have had 17 years of experience in the rainwater harvesting and water conservation business.

Irrigation, Conservation, Tanks, Filtration, Water Tanks, Sustainability, Harvest, Purification, Rainwater Harvesting, Grey Water, Save Water, Recycle Water, Municipal Water, Back-Up Water, Tenks, Water Scarcity, Toilet Flushing, Jo-Jo Tanks, Water Bill
Company description
Water is fast becoming the “oil” of the past decade.The products have been developed over the last 17 years by Jeremy Taylor in Cape Town with over 3000 successful installations. During this period we have been awarded a WWF award for product innovation and done major installations at UCT (Multiflush) and Old Mutual (reusing grey water for toilet flushing).
A study titled “The safe use of grey water in high density urban environments” at the Wits University Civil and Environmental Engineering department Water Rhapsody systems have installed a system using grey water for toilet flushing. This study has been commissioned by the Water Research Council (WRC).
Our products are pretty self explanatory. The basis of water conservation is that you match the quality of the water to the use. Municipal water to drink, rain water for showering etc. and grey water for irrigation. The role of grey water for irrigation is also the fact that it removes this water from the sewerage treatment streams allowing them to cope with just treating black water.
The business sector consumes large quantities of water, but fortunately have large areas of roofing to alleviate this. Re-use of truck and car wash water are popular installations for a lot of companies.
We can design any suitable application and we have a lot of experience managing and working with large design teams.

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