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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.462990 - lng: 18.731731

Kroff Cycles Malmesbury


C/O Piet Retief Str And Rainer Str., 7300 Malmesbury


Servicing of bikes, Whatever kind of bike you ride, be it mud beast, road speedster or a simple mode of transportation, it will benefit from a good maintenance routine. A few basic tasks that you perform frequently can lengthen the life of your bike and protect your machine from costly mistakes. Our in-depth guide will help you tune your routine to prevent common issues and keep those wheels spinning.

Bike Shop
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Whether it's to boost your fitness, health or bank balance, or as an environmental choice, taking up cycling could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Not convinced? Here are a few benefits of taking to two wheels.
Sleep more deeply
An early morning ride might knacker you out in the short term, but it’ll help you catch some quality shut-eye when you get back to your pillow.
“Exercising outside exposes you to daylight, ” “This helps get your circadian rhythm back in sync, and also rids your body of cortisol, the stress hormone that can prevent deep, regenerative sleep.”
Increase your brain power
Need your grey matter to sparkle? Then get pedalling. Researchers from Illinois University found that a ¿ve percent improvement in cardio-respiratory ¿tness from cycling led to an improvement of up to 15 percent in mental tests. That’s because cycling helps build new brain cells in the hippocampus – the region responsible for memory, which deteriorates from the age of 30.
“It boosts blood ¿ow and oxygen to the brain, which ¿res and regenerates receptors, explaining how exercise helps ward off Alzheimer’s.
Beat illness
Forget apples, riding’s the way to keep the doctor at bay. “Moderate exercise makes immune cells more active, so they’re ready to ¿ght off infection.
In fact, according to research from the University of North Carolina, people who cycle for 30 minutes, ¿ve days a week take about half as many sick days as couch potatoes.
Those who exercise regularly are at signi¿cantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, all types of cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. The body becomes much more ef¿cient at defending itself and regenerating new cells.
Heal your heart
Studies have shown that regular cycling can cut your risk of heart disease by 50%. Cycling just 20 miles a week reduces your risk of heart disease to less than half that of those who take no exercise, it says.

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