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GPS coordinates: lat: -30.553930 - lng: 29.426760

Sando Autogas Conversions


No 1B Main Street Plaza, 4700 Kokstad - Sisonke

+2773 3855 448

086 655 1447

We do conversions on bicycles. We have a engine kit we fit and convert your bicycle to a motorised one.The kit is a two stroke motor.It runs on maximum speed of 40 km/h.The tank capacity is 2 liters.The distance can be between 100 and 120 km depending on territory.

Servicing, Clutch, Bicycles, Conversions, Engine Kit, Motorised Bicycle, Pedaling Chain
Company description
You can also pedal if you like.We do not remove the pedaling chain therefore giving you two options as the rider or driver.you do not need to have a licence to operate the bicycle as it is only a 40cc engine.there is no ignition to start the bicycle but you use the clutch to kickstart, therefore making it cheap on mantainance.You spend about R.. - R.. for servicing.

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