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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.093380 - lng: 28.202591

Speech Therapy Spraakterapie Santie Van Aartsen


21,Adonis Road,Edleen, 1619 Kemptonpark



Opening hours

  • Monday:                   08:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-17:00
  • Friday: 08:00-12:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Speech Therapy Spraakterapie Santie Van Aartsen 21,Adonis Road,Edleen, 1619 Kemptonpark

Speech Therapy in Afrikaans and English for adulds and children .Includes speech-, language- auditory perception in children. Therapy after stroke or head injury.

Speech Therapy, Speech Therapist, Kemptonpark, Kinder, Auditory Perception Speech Therapy, Speech Therapy Stroke, Volwassene, Spraakterapie, Spraakterapie Beroerte, Spraakterapeut, Beroerte, Spraakterapie Afrikaans, Ouditiewe Persepsie Spraakterapie
Company description
I have knowledge of communication problems and provide the following services:
Speech Therapy, including the treatment of
Pronunciation difficulties (Articulation)
Voice problems
Stuttering/stammering (Dysfluency)
Problems with the development of speech sound combinations and patterns (Phonology)
Difficulties planning and coordinating movements needed to make speech sounds (Apraxia)
Language Therapy, including the treatment of
Difficulties understanding language (Receptive language and Stroke)
Difficulties using language (Expressive language and Stroke)
Difficulties with social communication (Pragmatics)
Other therapy, including the treatment of
Weak lip and/or tongue muscles resulting in poor speech (Dysarthria)
Swallowing / feeding difficulties (Dysphagia)
Hearing and listening problems (Auditory processing)
Service Areas
Kemptonpark, Edenvale, Boksburg, East Rand
Spoken languages
Afrikaans, English

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