Home   →   Johannesburg Business Directory   →   Rogue Tech
GPS coordinates: lat: -26.043940 - lng: 27.964725

Rogue Tech


39 Oliver’s Court, Hyperion Drive, 2188 Johannesburg - Randburg


Opening hours

  • Monday: 09:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 09:00-17:00
  • Thursday: 09:00-17:00
  • Friday: 09:00-17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday:                   closed
Opening hours for Rogue Tech 39 Oliver’s Court, Hyperion Drive, 2188 Johannesburg

Available payment methods

Rogue Tech is an online computer reseller with access to 22 suppliers of over 40 000 branded products. Rogue Tech offers access to a wide variety of top of the range computer hardware, software & gadgets that promise to make your dream machine a reality.

Printers, Technology, Laptops, Copiers, Cables, Cameras, Speakers, Servers, Scanners, Computer Hardware, Monitors, Power Supply, Desktop, Keyboards, Mouse, Tablets, Intel, Motherboards, Asus, Phones, Gigabyte, Amd, Processors, Hard Drive, Computer Components, Memories, Graphics Cards, Adapter, Ssd, Network Hardware, Optical Drives, Sound Cards, Evga, Computer Stores, Asrock, Mobile Devices
Company description
Our aim is to provide our customers with high octane performance hardware built for their monster gaming rig needs to helping businesses run optimally and be connected with reliable & cost saving technology.
Service Areas
South Africa
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans
Contact Persons
Jonathern Thom


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