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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.052174 - lng: 27.941479

Professional Assistants


Aureole Drive, 2162 Johannesburg - Randburg


Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:00-16:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-16:00
  • Friday: 08:00-16:00
  • Saturday: 08:00-16:00
  • Sunday:                   closed
Opening hours for Professional Assistants Aureole Drive, 2162 Johannesburg

Is there work that needs to be done, but is not enough to keep someone employed full time? Or Perhaps you are just starting up and cannot commit to hiring permanent staff?, Maybe you need someone to assist with jobs, some big some small, that crop up regularly or once in a while but they need to be done in an hour, day, week or month or you need professional, immediate help on an as- needed basis. Our Virtual Office Assistant Company is well equipped to assist you in making your Life easier by Saving you Money, Time and Energy!

We Offer Virtual Office Assistant Services in the Following:

-Social Media Management
-Excel Spreadsheets
-Telephone Answering
-Diary Management
-Home and Office Organisers
-Office Staff Mentorship,

Social Media Management, New Business Development, Database Management, Office Organisers, Home Organisers, Professional Organisers
Company description
Our Aim is to help make your life easier by Saving you Money, Time and Energy! We offer Virtual Assistant Services in Secretarial, Administration, Marketing and Accounting Job Functions.
Services Offered:
1. Office Administration
2. Accounting
3. Marketing and Advertising
4. Social Media Management
5. Telephone Answering Service
6. Typing, Excel Spread Sheets and Database Maintenance
7. Research, New Business Development, Business Start Ups
8. Diary Management, Schedule of Meetings, Client Liaison, Travel Arrangements, Flights, Transport & Accommodation Bookings, Quotes Comparisons
9. Mentorship Programmes for Admin, Receptionists, PAs and Office Assistants
10. Professional Home & Office Organisers
You require a Virtual Assistant in any of these situations:
1. There’s work that needs to be done, but it is not enough to keep someone employed full time.
2. Perhaps you are just starting up and cannot commit to hiring permanent staff.
3. You need someone to assist with jobs, some big some small, that crop up regularly or once in a while but they need to be done in an hour, day, week or month.
4. You need professional, immediate help on an as- needed basis.
Service Areas
Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Contact Persons
Thembi Hama


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