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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.182396 - lng: 28.043282

National Children's Theatre Trust


3 Junction Ave, 2193 Johannesburg - Parktown

011 484 1584

(011) 484-2667

The National Children's Theatre Trust (NCTT) formerly the Johannesburg Youth Theatre Trust was established in 1990 with Joyce Levinsohn as its Artistic Director. The NCT presents stage adaptations of classics, contemporary plays and educational theatre to the acclaim of critics and joy of audiences. Well-loved stories, fantastic characters, beautiful sets and costumes come together to bring the magic of theatre to thousands of children from all socio-economic backgrounds.

Staging, Partnership, Costumes, Stories, Sets, Characters, Audiences, Educational Theatre, Children’s Theatre, Artistic Director, Theatre Trust, Theatre In Education, Socio-Economic Backgrounds, Johannesburg Youth Theatre Trust, National Children’s Theatre, Children’s Literature, Stage Adaptations, Television Appearances, Contemporary Plays, Stage Adaptations Of Classics, Classic Children’s Literature, Children’s Services
Company description
In 2004 the NCT reached over 3 million viewers during live performances and television appearances. The NCT is rooted in the belief that earlier experiences with the arts will have profoundly positive effects on the development of children and ultimately, their participation in the life of their communities.
The NCT's reputation is built on a history of staging a variety of classic children's literature, as well as teaching vital interactive life-skills through theatre-in-education programmes and theatre workshops.
The NCT has formed valuable partnerships with schools, various homes, and welfare organisations.

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