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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.204103 - lng: 28.047304

Empini Foundation


Orchards Streer 27 Glen Villas, 2090 Johannesburg


Opening hours

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday: closed
  • Wednesday: closed
  • Thursday:                   closed
  • Friday: closed
  • Saturday: 08:00-16:00
  • Sunday: 08:00-16:00
Opening hours for Empini Foundation Orchards Streer 27 Glen Villas, 2090 Johannesburg

Introduction – Company name: Empini Foundation is a Spirit-filled Christian Social change, Public Benefit Organization dedicated organization to restore the human dignity of the hurting, poor, needy and disenfranchised, and to empower them to become constructive members of our society.
The promoters' vision of Empini Foundation in 3-4 year's time is:
Meeting the Needs of the Poor through the Creation and Development of Goods and Services that will restore human dignity (1 Timothy 5:1-16 & Philippians 4:19)
The central purpose and role of Empini Foundation is defined as:
Teaching men to use their God-given creative abilities and energies to serve God by serving man and helping man to overcome, control, and use the natural world. By establishing businesses that are guided by God’s principles of business management, growth, and productivity that God has revealed in His Word by providing a nation with business systems of economic management th

Non Profit Organisations
Company description
Six months Decent Life
This is a transitional house program. Its aim is to stabilize family in crisis with, food, shower clean clothes and safe place to stay for six months, a case manager mentor will be assigned to work for each family on their path to independent living and permanent housing.
The aim of the centre is to ensure that transitional housing residents would eventually be capacitated to acquire access to permanent accommodation by creating a viable, business model create sustainable employment & new sources of income that will provide at least a minimum monthly income below R1 250 for persons without dependants and R2 500 for those with dependants
The Career Development program (GED) offers a GED Preparation course for adults who are in need of obtaining their GED. By providing a safe, supportive environment, adults are encouraged to pursue their education goals, equipping them for greater financial potential. Also offered are adult education services including soft skills training, employment search and college/trade school counseling.
The centre program seeks to set individuals on a journey of self-discovery that will answer the question “Why was I created, and what was the Creator’s purpose for me?” Purpose is defined as ‘the inherent use of something’ and it further connotes intention; there is an intended use/purpose of the creation.
A Spiritual Conception of Business Col. 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord… It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
In the realm of business and trade, the mandate to subdue the earth is carried out by Empini’ serving mankind in productive activities, thereby establishing the reign of God in their areas of stewardship.
Empini is to use God-given creative abilities and energies to serve God by serving man and helping mankind to overcome, control, and use the natural world. This is God’s
Service Areas
Contact Persons
Sydney  Motimele

011 079 4177

073 897 5707

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