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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.154949 - lng: 28.057819

Centre For Diabetes And Endocrinology


81 Central Street, 2198 Johannesburg - Houghton Estate

+27 11 712-6000

011 728 6661

Opening hours

  • Monday:                   08:30-17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:30-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:30-17:00
  • Thursday: 08:30-17:00
  • Friday: 08:30-17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
We work by appointment only. Please call 011 712-6000 08h30-17h00, Monday to Friday. We are closed on weekends and Public Holidays.

The Centre also acts as the Central Office for a Preferred Provider Network of affiliated “Centres for Diabetes” with nationwide coverage. This Provider Network was established in 1994 with 14 founding Centres and has grown steadily to reach over 230 Centres of excellence nationwide. These Accredited Centres are contracted to provide all the benefits of the Diabetes Management Programme (DMP).

Clinic, Centre, Diabetes, Medical Centre, Health Centre, Endocrinologist, Cde, Diabetes Educator, Diabetes Management Programme, Diabetes Team, Diabetic Treatment Facilities
Company description
The Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE) was established as an example of excellence in diabetes care. This holistic, multi-specialist Centre in Houghton, Johannesburg provides a unified team approach to the management of diabetes. The staff includes Diabetes Specialists, Diabetes Educators, a Dietician, Podiatrists, a Clinical Psychologist, and Exercise Specialists. This Centre provides the most comprehensive and complete approach to the care of the patient with diabetes, found anywhere in the world and trains healthcare professionals in the principles and practice of good diabetes care.

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