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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.157150 - lng: 28.076031

Candice Garrun


115 William Road, Norwood, 2117 Johannesburg - Houghton


Candice Garrun is a mental health care therapist who focuses on individual therapy and couples counseling. Her fields of interest include traditional psychotherapy, addiction and related disorders as well as compulsive over eating. She is fully registered with the BHF and as such a portion of therapy fees can be claimed from medical aid.

Psychologist, Therapists, Eating Disorders, Couples Therapy, Social Workers, Help With Eating Disorder, Eating Disorder Therapist, Addiction Therapist, Addiction Counsellor, Couple Counsellor, Therapist With Medical Aid, Drug Counsellor, Anxiety Counsellor, Depression Counsellor
Company description
Candice Garrun is a qualified Social Worker having completed: a Bachelor of Arts degree; an Honours degree in Applied Psychology; a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Work (Qualified Kum Laude) and a Masters Degree in Social Work by Research Dissertation (Qualified with Distinction).
She has special interests in chemical dependency; compulsive over-eating and traditional psychotherapy. She currently runs a private practice and is the founder of www.addictionology.co.za a website that is devoted to the addiction and recovery industry of South Africa.
She is fully registered with the SACSSP and the Board of Health Care Funders and as such a portion of therapy fees can be reimbursed from medical aid.

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