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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.319595 - lng: 28.111607

Ajgove Medical


Mc Bride Street, 1448 Johannesburg


086 663 6929

This is a Non-Surgical liposuction and one of the best approach to reduce any cellulite and fat cells. Ultrasonic Lipo-Cavitation treatment is suitable for males and females who want to get rid of the stubborn fat accumulation Non-Surgically in the areas such as stomach, inner or outer tights, front or back thighs as well, buttocks and arms without any downtime. More number of sessions better results it gets and it depends on the individual body condition and the area to be treated. Results vary, you can see results as from the first session but 6 to 12 sessions or more are recommended to achieve personal desired outcome (few dress sizes)
Lipo-Cavitation works: now you can destroy your fat cells!
- no surgery
- no pain
- no anesthesia

Non Surgical Liposuction
Company description
With ultrasonic cavitation, the trapped fat is emulsified, converted into liquid and then naturally is expelled from the body in the urine. Unlike the methods known as liposuction, this is not a surgical technique. It uses a machine, placed on the body in the affected area that uses ultrasound to massage the skin and form bubbles in the affected tissues which liquefy the fat cells.
Features- Non-surgical lypolysis
- Latest European Technology
- Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive liposuction results to SELECTIVE destruction of fat cells, the leading fat, cellulite and circumferential reduction system.
- No Downtime
- Lunchtime Procedure of 15 to 20 minutes per area, multiples areas may take up to 40 Minutes- Body areas you may treat: Arms (triceps), Abdomen, Love-Handles, Buttocks, Back thighs, Inner thighs, Outer thighs, Front thighs.
We use Ultrasound technology similar to the kind used to carry out baby scans in hospitals, we even use the same gel. During the painless therapy all you will feel is a nice, warm sensation. This warm sensation is the fat turning to liquid and beginning to drain from your body.
As the Ultrasound passes through the fat cells inside your body it causes the fat inside to change from a semi-solid state and to become a liquid. Once liquefied, the fat will begin to drain from the cell. The fat then passes through the lymph node system and exits the body through the digestive system in the normal manner. All you need to do is consume equal to or less energy than what you burn on a daily basis. The fat will continue to drain from the body for the next 72 hours.
Treatment undertaken by a Professional Beautician and Ultrasound therapist!
*All Major Debit & Credit Cards Accepted!!!

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