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GPS coordinates: lat: -29.753033 - lng: 30.741730

Firefly Products


43 Old Main Road Bothas Hill, 3660 Hillcrest

039 315 0138
084 353 5866
0861 347 336

Opening hours

  • Monday: 08:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-17:00
  • Thursday:                   08:00-17:00
  • Friday: 08:00-16:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for Firefly Products 43 Old Main Road Bothas Hill, 3660 Hillcrest

If you could get paid to reduce your carbon footprint would you start today? Firefly products are sustainable and effective and our energy efficient solutions will not just save on your electricity account, but will pay for the product and put money into your pocket every month The Firefly range has been engineered in conjunction with us by some of the top experts in their relative fields and all of our products are highly accredited and manufactured to our design under licence in the most renowned assembly lines in the world. Simply put: we are a one stop shop for the best quality products in South Africa.

Call us and we will equip you with the knowledge to explore the world of green technology by providing professional advice from our energy consultants about the most energy efficient solutions with the highest accreditations and some of the best warranties you will ever see all backed up with after sale service and nationwide delivery.

Solar Energy, Solar Panels, Heat Pumps, Solar Geysers, Geyser, Led Lighting, Inverters, Boilers, Gas Geysers, Energy Saving Products, Solar Panel Installation, Energy Efficient Solutions, Green Product
Company description
well as environmentally friendly in order to minimize your exposure to the rising cost of electricity and climate change, benefiting you and your family. With Firefly technology you can reduce your carbon footprint by as much as 90% and your energy bill by over 50%!
Energy saving products use less energy and cost less to run. Products which carry the energy saving logo all meet strict energy efficiency criteria. Remember even if a rated appliance is slightly more expensive, you will save the difference many times over the lifetime of the appliance as it uses less energy.
Firefly offer a range of energy saving products from LED Lights bulbs to inverters and solar panels. Simply click on the website to get started with more energy efficient products for home and business today. If you have any questions regarding the products please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Service Areas
Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria Nationwide Delivery
Official Data

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