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GPS coordinates: lat: -25.741360 - lng: 27.902157

Kritzinger Consulting Services


Mauser Street, 0260 Hartebeespoort - Ifafi

+27 (0) 82 349-4162

Does your business have an impressive online presence that attracts new potential customers and builds your brand online? Do you have loads of visitors from Facebook and high website traffic?

If the answer isn't yes, we can help!

Web Design, Website Design, Seo, Internet Marketing, Email Marketing, Business Card Design, Facebook Marketing, Spreadsheet Development
Company description
We provide everything you need to build a strong online presence for your business.
responsive website design
Facebook marketing
email marketing
business card design
From building a professional website to creating and managing a social media and email marketing campaign to drive traffic to it, we can help.
Contact us at marketing@kritzingerconsulting.com or 082 349-4162 to discuss your vision for your website. We will provide you with an incredibly reasonable, no obligation estimate to get your business visible online.
Visit our website at www.kritzingerconsulting.com for more information about our services.

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