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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.213163 - lng: 28.160542

Broad Propeller (PTY) LTD


4310 Luvuyo Street Phumula Ext 21, 1401 Germiston - Roodekop

010 234 0000

Broad Propeller is a company that is run by young and ambitious directors who are highly self-motivated, able to prioritize, confident well organised professional and goal oriented.

Conveyor Idlers, Trailer Axles, Conveyor Products, Conveyor Chains, Train Axle
Company description
We believe that our company will create differentiated products and services to drive growth by investing in the machine that will provide technical support and supply spare part over the years to come. Furthermore we aim in attracting and retaining our customers with the most highly trained and well informed individuals we can recruit. Broad Propeller aims at addressing socio economic challenge in South Africa, by ushering in different technical skill for the youth of South Africa both skilled and unskilled.
Broad Propeller is a company specializing in the repair and manufacturing of conveyor products, and in which in the long run will get into manufacturing of train Axle and other special components.
Official Data

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