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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.949326 - lng: 22.437826

Wj Plan-Tech


50 Tommy Joubert Ave, Homewood, Heather Park, 5629 George

044 8707796


WJ Plan-Tech is situated in George, South Africa. We do Architectural Design for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Services also include design for alterations and additions as well as for swimming pools.

Swimming Pool, Africa, Design, Architects, Building, Industrial, Cape, Residential, Garden Route, Architecture, Alterations, Legal, George, Plans, Cad, 3D, Tech, Sacap, New Dwellings, Saiat, Plan Approval, William Jordison, Wj Plan-Tech
Company description
William Jordison established the practice of WJ Plan-Tech in 2004 as sole proprietor and at first focused mainly on residential design but since then has broadened the scope to include commercial and industrial designs. With the introduction of CAD (Computer Aided Design) a whole new avenue in architectural design opened up and clients have the option of added features such as 3D rendering of a property design as well as 3D ‘walk-through’.

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