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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.939938 - lng: 22.475645

Daily Task Company


26 9Th Ave, 6530 George - Eden



Garden Route Professional and Corporate Services Company to assist businesses of any kind in marketing and visual advertising, staff training and business dynamics - includes contractors.
We have researched the market, and exposed ourselves to the service quality of businesses and individuals on the Garden Route - by and to businesses, in not only the Garden Route but also country-wide, and we found sub-standard service, ineffective and unrealistic training as well as short-cut marketing.

Companies have accepted these characteristics in the market as the norm. We believe this unfortunate condition can be changed - one business at a time. We invite you to test our services and our products. You will be delighted by our approach.

Catering, Services, Training, Graphic Design, Golf, Weddings, Marketing, Gifts, Business Cards, Coffee, Corporate Gifts, Posters, Garden Route, Specials, Signs, Gallery, Nails, Efficient, Contracting, Service Excellence, Refurbishing, Staff Training, Coffee Beans, Unique Gifts, Dynamics, Wooden Box, Argilla, Service Guarantee, Flow Dynamics, Laser Cut Design, 3C, Custom Corporate Coffee, Function Assist, Cavalli, Yolandé Le Roux, Serviettes Printing, Paul Van Der Schyff, Marketing Portfolio
Company description
Introducing DTC
Welcome to our modern, innovative "All-In-One" marketing portfolio management and market facilitator service.
Many corporate businesses, small business owners, managers and home-based executives find they cannot always get to important business tasks, marketing upgrades and/or staff training as needed to ensure maximum market performance.
Let us streamline your planning for you, save you time and money, increase your exposure and improve your levels of service, which in turn will compliment your existing market share and increase your income capability.
Daily Task Company offer your company a variety of support services within the field of Marketing Portfolio Management and Service Excellence Orientation Training (One-day format).
You may choose from our range of skilled and specialised services - or choose for us to facilitate some of your more inconsequential, but yet important tasks as well. We are a young company with "old-school" values.
You can count on us to deliver service and product in the time you want it done, not in the time-frame predicted by the general market today. Once you align with us, you will receive only the highest quality of SERVICE EXCELLENCE .
As an add-on service to you, we offer some unique specialised gift products. Look at our " Corporate Gift - 3 C " page as well as our gallery.

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