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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.243170 - lng: 28.060789



3 Cheviot Road West, 1709 Gauteng


Social media, SEO & web development
LEAD ONLINE Programme - Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media & Web development
Your web presence should create new business. Be an influencer online!

Web Development, Hosting, Flash Websites, Email Newsletters, Social Media Strategy, Sms Systems, Rsvp Management, Event Website Development, Ongoing Sla Contracts, Lead Online Programme, Blog Strategy, Sharepoint Intranet Management, Multimedia Development
Company description
Social media, SEO & web development
LEAD ONLINE Programme - Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media & Web development
Your web presence should create new business. Be an influencer online!
Does your company need a sensible, strategic, long term strategy to understand and benefit from your online presence.
Marketing (as we know it) is collapsing
There are times in business when we get nervous & unsettled, when certainty is change. We’ve reached a natural cycle where the world reinvents itself and leaders sense the need to search for new QUESTIONS they should be asking and then the ANSWERS.
Well marketing as we know it is collapsing… ‘marketing’ should be replaced with the term ‘building relationships’. Social media is NOT new… it should have always been about building respectful 2-way value-adding relationships with people.
I see everyone from photographers, schools, financial services, artists, large business etc wanting to embrace CHANGE. If your advisers are not focusing on ‘what you say’ (your message and content) with a multiple year consistent strategy that works to retrain your management/exco teams… then carry on looking!
Content, Context, Relevance… Content is still king!

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