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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.205921 - lng: 28.022774

Hermann Niebuhr


38 Lilian Road, 2092 Fordsburg

+27 (0) 72 2246 469

Hermann Niebuhr was born in Johannesburg in 1972. He studied at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (with distinction in History of Art) in 1993.

Art, Paintings, Interiors, Fine Art, Figures, Bursary, Bachelor Of Fine Arts, Scholarship for Painting, Grounding, Karoo Scapes, Cityscape, Contemporary South African Landscapes, Rhodes Masters Degree Scholarship
Company description
Absa Bank; Weber Wentzel Bowens; KPMG; Sasol; Rhodes University; General Cologne; Rosengarten-Rosin & Wright; J.P.Morgan; SAB Miller; Nedcor; Modise Attorneys; Ashanti Gold; Novocol. He was awarded bursaries in 1990 and 1994 (Rhodes Masters Degree Scholarship), and 1996 (Raymond Pullen Scholarship for painting).

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