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GPS coordinates: lat: -26.141111 - lng: 28.152779

SeKure-IT cc


Po Box 839, 1609 Edenvale

011 609 9495

011 452 4251

Opening hours

  • Monday:                   07:30-17:00
  • Tuesday: 07:30-17:00
  • Wednesday: 07:30-17:00
  • Thursday: 07:30-17:00
  • Friday: 07:30-16:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Opening hours for SeKure-IT cc Po Box 839, 1609 Edenvale

SeKure-IT is the Southern African distributor of data security products and solutions to ISP’s, Telco’s and commercial business of all sizes. These range from Carrier Grade, high-performance Anti-Botnet and Email/Web traffic filtering and management systems to secure data wiping, automated network vulnerability systems and print optimization/PC power saving products.

Security, Email, Surfing, Web, Virus, Antivirus, Network Security, It Security, Spam, Anti Spam, Data Destruction, Vulnerability Assessment, Botnets, Vulnerability Testing, Web Surfing Control, Data Wiping, Print Optimisation, Ink and Toner Saver, Network Vulnerability, Disk Wiping, Email Managed Services, Infected Pc, Web Surfing, Isp Solutions, Spambot, Email Filtering
Company description
E-mail and web traffic worldwide is growing at a phenomenal rate and at the same time, the amount of spam (junk mail) and viruses (Worms, Trojan horses etc.) as well as Botnets is increasing at an even faster rate. This is resulting in huge IT security problems within organisations’ networks, increased bandwidth usage, a slowdown in the efficiency of the network, abuse by staff, ever-increasing malicious or non-malicious attacks and the entire company network is constantly under threat. It is therefore absolutely essential for companies and Service Providers to secure their networks appropriately.
SeKure-IT provides products and solutions specifically designed to address the security aspects of E-mail and Web traffic for any organisation, small, medium and large, from less than 10 users to 25.000 users and beyond. SeKure-IT also provides specific products and solutions for Internet Service Providers and Managed Service Providers.
Although there are numerous e-mail and web security solutions available on the Southern African market, SeKure-IT has chosen to specialise on the product range from one particular supplier. In addition, a successful implementation is also dependent on ongoing service and support of the highest standard. SeKure-IT chosen to partner with leading IT security supplier, PineApp Ltd, renowned for securing networks and email systems and the recipient of multiple awards for their technology, innovation and price/performance.
PineApp’s products include Surf-Secure for web surfing control, Mail-Secure for e-mail security, SoHo Secure, an all-in-one product for the small to medium business as well as Archive-SeCure for the compliant archiving and swift retrieval of all emails, including 5 years and older.
PineApp recently released Outbound Spam Guard (OSG), a carrier grade Anti-Botnet solution specifically designed for ISP’s and MSP’s.
SeKure-IT is the Southern African distributor of the full range of PineApp products and solutions.
Service Areas
We are distributors for Southern Africa, i.e. South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Rwanda.
Spoken languages
English, Afrikaans, German
Contact Persons
Loewenstein Hilton




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