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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.014374 - lng: 27.905544

Firstbuyza Electronics Ltd


59 Cambridge Street, 5200 East London



FIRSTBUYZA ELECTRONICS LTD is an ACTIVE company incorporated in South Africa with identification number of 2010-000243-26. Company was incorporated on 2010-11-04. We are an online electronics provider such as Desktops, Laptops, musical equipment, mobile phones, television sets, cameras serving photography extremists. By offering top-tier services and attractive prices, we have become one of the fastest growing online stores and we offer a full 100% money back guarantee on all items.

Printers, Computers, Laptops, Cameras, Musical Instruments, Fridges, Mobile Phones, Macbook
Company description
Our mission
We specializes in consumer electronics, gadgets, Apple Products, Camera, Musical Instrument, Camcorder, Professional Video, Tablet.For us, the customer is always special. Our total commitment to customers empowers us to work closely together
with every customer. When you buy from us, the sale is not complete when we ship your order, it is complete when you are
totally satisfied. Customer protection Be total Peace of mind we protect your information.Enjoy comprehensive warranties including a 30 days money back guarantee. Most items are also covered by our one year or two year warranty and replacement policy. We take your satisfaction seriously. We provide a professional, dedicated service for every single customer regardless of order size. Our Support Center replies to your support quickly, while our 24 hour telephone services offer real-time support whenever you need it.

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