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GPS coordinates: lat: -29.849621 - lng: 31.022041

Roll Durban


2Nd Floor Podium, 4001 Durban

+27(0)31 362 1700

+27(0)31 337 0306

The ability to cross-reference information from an enormous database compiled from years of experience and exacting market research enables us to provide unique, cost-effective solutions for our clients. Focused teamwork and specialised skills ensure that you get the optimum service delivery to match set output targets.

Information, Office, Value, University, Businesses, Facilities Management, Iso 9001, Retail Consulting, Utilities Management, Office Broking, Valuations and Advisory Services
Company description
We are ISO 9001 accredited. This international reference for quality management ensures that when we manage a client’s portfolio, every aspect of the process conforms to the ISO 9001 standard. An international benchmark respected by all investors.

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