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Gogreen Cleaning Company


Rk Khan Circle Road, 4092 Durban

031 401 9706


The GoGreen cleaning company is a registered company that caters for pro environmental, and the pro health alternative. Keeping the health of children and adults in mind. We provide green practices and detergents to our corperate clients.The green alternative is relitively new but we would appreciate your support. Please call us or email us for a brief portfolio. Together we can make a difference today...For a healthier tomorrow

Hotel, Shopping Centre, Store Cleaning, Night Cleaning, Green Cleaner, Corperate Cleaners, Cleaning Management
Company description
Did you know that many of the cleaning chemicals and practices are harmful to the health of people that frequent your premises? Also chemicals have adverse effects on the environment that we work, shop, or frequent. VOCs(volotile Oxidizing compounds) also play a role in sinus irritation, and many other health issues. We would like to get corperate companies to turn green as you could set an example for others to follow the simple practices that will make major changes. Many are selling eco friendly products which are in fact not eco friendly and have not been tested accordingly. All our products have MSD charts and are available to clientele. The detergents right to the bottles used are biodegradable. Our different pracices that are implemented is our assurance of constantly striving for a better working shopping or living environment. Few to none other companies offer such a service. We have stepped out of the comfort zone in going pro health and pro environmental. We are hopeful that corperate clients will help catapault this change for the betterment of people and the environment. Not only our products and practices differ but our equipment. Some of which are microfiber clother, HEPA filtered vacuumes, biodegradable containers, refuse seperators, water seperators for mops, recycled hand towels and toilet rolls etc. We have night staff and day staff. Please assist us in this venture. You will be free to promote your company is going green as we will attest to the fact.
Service Areas
Hotel cleaning, mall cleaning, shopping store cleaning, lavetory assistants, corperate cleaning, complex\ duplex community cleaning.
Contact Persons
Jared Ebrahim

031 4019706


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