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Karoo Ochse


Eland Street, 6056 Despatch

041 933 4392

041 933 2492

The company "KAROO-OCHSE" as it is known today saw its humble beginnings in Port Elizabeth during 1943 under the trading name of "Karoo Vleisbeurs". The name was changed to "KAROO LEWENDE HAWE" in 1968 and finally with the take over of messrs W.L. Ochse during 1985 it was once again re-named to carry the Karoo-Ochse banner for which the company is so well known throughout South Africa.

Supermarkets, Services, Farm, Companies, Auctions, Ostrich, Cattle, Holdings, Sheep, Butcheries, Breeds, Pigs, Dairy Cattle, Bull, Boer Goats, Stud Auctions, Beef Carcasses, Dairy Auctions, Periodic Auctions, Production Auctions, Ram Auctions
Company description
1996 Saw major changes taking place with the then ownership's decision to sell off the different branches, each as an independent going concern. Management at each branch was given the option of exercising this right to purchase and the Port Elizabeth branch became independent with its current owners taking over under the pre-condition that trading may continue under the "KAROO-OCHSE" banner. The operation is know known as "F & M LEWENDE HAWE" trading as "KAROO-OCHSE PORT ELIZABETH".