Home   →   Centurion Business Directory   →   Pro Platters
GPS coordinates: lat: -25.882896 - lng: 28.115192

Pro Platters


Heuweloord, 0157 Centurion



Opening hours

  • Monday: 06:00-16:00
  • Tuesday:                   06:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 06:00-16:00
  • Thursday: 06:00-16:00
  • Friday: 06:00-16:00
  • Saturday: 08:00-15:00
  • Sunday: 08:00-12:00
When you need to order make sure it is at least 3 hours before you place the actual order. Only orders will be given with an quotation based on the items in the platter and total of people.

Available payment methods

We specialise in making platters on order. You can also visit our website and make your own platter with 5 or more items. We will give quotations on the platter chosen and the total of people. Platters for 2 people is R**-**. We also do vetkoek orders, curry and rice and lunches when needed.

Catering, Snacks, Light Meals, Cold Meats, Savoury Platters, Sandwich Platters, Vetkoek, Sweet Tooth, Breakfast Platters, Milktart, Platter Sale, Platter Making Services, Vegetarian Platters, Braai Vleis Platters, Platters Galore, Platters On Order, Fruity Platters, Meaty Platters, Variety Platters, Perfect Platters, Online Platter Sale
Service Areas
Raslouw, Wierda Park, Lyttleton, Valhalla, Centurion, Mnandi, Hennops Park and Zwartkops, Highveld.
Spoken languages
English and Afrikaans
Contact Persons
Brenda Raath



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