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GPS coordinates: lat: -34.038898 - lng: 18.358490

Solar Star Energy Savers


Corner Of Disa River And Main Rd. Hout Bay, 7806 Cape Town


Opening hours

  • Monday:                   09:00-17:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00-17:00
  • Wednesday: 09:00-17:00
  • Thursday: 09:00-17:00
  • Friday: 09:00-17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed
Email us and we will call you

Available payment methods

Power management company in the Western Cape dealing with the following
Home & business Electrical audits
Passive construction
Photovoltaic Solar systems
Solar Water Heating and Heat Pumps
Swimming Pool Heating
Wind Turbines
Rain water harvesting
Water purification
Bio gas digesters
Residential and commercial lighting
Sport flood lights
Advertising signage lights
Security lights
Street lights

Start seeing the savings
Solar Star recommends water heating systems and LEDS which are essentially low maintenance efficient lighting, both being a major return on investment These products will assist any customer looking to save money in the long run and invest in the smart engaged industry of green living

Heating, Heat Pumps, Capetown, Solar, Geyser, Solar Heating, Solar Systems, Storage Tanks, Street Lighting, Street Lights, Solar Lighting, Swimming Pool Heating Cape Town, Solar Install
Company description
Solarstar has been installing domestic heating systems across the Western Cape and was born out of the idea of creating energy from the most abundant source of energy power, the sun. The founders of the company are compassionate towards maintaining a clean world hence the motto “Shinning towards a brighter future”
This is finding newer, smarter and cleaner ways to power the world today in environmental and economical struggles. Solar Star offers complete power management solutions to all building owners whether it is your home, restaurant or hotel. A quick process with flexible costs will leave you feeling good that you have made a global contribution.
Visit our store as we combat greenhouse gas emissions daily by reducing the demand for electricity and provide better working and learning environments for the community to learn how conserving energy works.
Let Solarstar replace what you are using with solar power, solar water heating & green efficient lighting to offer maximum savings and complete peace of mind. Our home and business improvements flake from construction to product completion. read more...
Service Areas
Specialising in retail, workshops, installations, audits and advice

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