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GPS coordinates: lat: -33.927097 - lng: 18.412340

SA Medical Specialists


Jamieson House, Jamieson Street, 8001 Cape Town


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Sa Medical Specialists website provides a comprehensive listing of specialist doctors that practice in their specific chosen fields. We are a unique new portal called SA Medical Specialists and operate an Online Medical Specialist Directory for potential patients to find doctors in their field of specialty, and for patients that are seeking second opinions on their ailment.

Health, Medical, Chemicals, Plastics, Research, Optometrist, Physiotherapists, Emergency, Specialist, Surgery, Disease, Surgeons, Psychology, Dentistry, Clinical, Diagnostics, Occupational, Addiction, Dietician, Hospice, Gynaecology, Abuse, Audiologist, Medicines, Pathology, Dermatology, Radiology, Physician, Chiropractic, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Oncology, Urology, Disaster, Ophthalmology, Podiatrist, Paediatric, Forensics, Bipolar, Internal, Critical, Prosthetist, Oral, Institutional, Aesthetics, Neurology, Orthotist, Genetics, Prosthodontist, Infectious, Palliative, Serology, Colon, Geriatric, Congenital, Maxillofacial, Endodontics, Endocrinology, Toxicology, Ent, Intensive, Otorhinolaryngology, Thoracic, Care Services, Rheumatology, Haematology, Transfusion, Allergology, Cytopathology, Sexology, Gastroenterologist, Blood Banking, Pulmonologist, Cardiologoly, Biokeneticist, Neurophysiology, Immunology, Anesthesiology, Cardio Thoracic, Andrology, Rectal, Otolaryngology, Paleopathology, Laparoscopic
Company description
SA Medical Specialists can help you track campaign performance with page loads, unique visitors and returning visitors. You will receive this on a monthly basis. We can show you how effective each listing is in attracting new customers by yielding accurate figures for the return on your investment, which enables us to modify and optimize your campaigns to generate the highest possible ROI for your practice.
Contact Persons
Lynell De Dominicis

021 424 6181

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