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GPS coordinates: lat: -34.110722 - lng: 18.825640

Photo Cell Gifts


Dias Road Gordonsbay, 8001 Cape Town - Western Cape


Opening hours

  • Monday:                   08:00-16:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-16:00
  • Thursday: 08:00-16:00
  • Friday: 08:00-16:00
  • Saturday: 08:00-16:00
  • Sunday: 08:00-16:00
Opening hours for Photo Cell Gifts Dias Road Gordonsbay, 8001 Cape Town

Available payment methods

Photo, Movie, Gifts Editing in all formats to download upload, Business Solutions offered to people wanting to start their own business new Affiliates.

Gifts, Solutions, Computers, Dvd, Web, Photo, Movies, Cd, Memory Sticks, Format, Personals, Mobiles, Cardies, Edited
Company description
Ever taken a photo on your mobile? Nice sight seeings images? What become of them? Discarded deleted once the memory is full? Hey you can email it to me immediately and I'll have it edited in the next second back to you for downloading. Having photos old or new scattered? How many of us don't have these old brown photo albums that's damaged and torn already? Make your memories last, won't our grandparents love these? Or show our special close partners or the people in our lives that's so dear to us how much they are treasured? It's the only thing we can treasure as life is so short and tomorrow there's no more. Do you know these can be made either in the form of a gift presented single, a cardie or in the form of a photo movie? It's so easy you can upload it on either your computer by scanning or from where you've taken it on your mobile and email it to me at samsodien.d@gmail.com with your like/dislikes your type of music, how exactly you want it done. So easy it is done. Or subscribe to my Free photo Ezine on my website and i will get back to you. Don't let your memories go to waste. A photo is timeless and priceless. Wanting to start a small business? Or work on the internet? Become affiliate marketer or build your own business. I used to browse on the internet forever looking for ways options how to become financially free, what I can do to better my situation. Do you know I was so stone broke I nearly found my way to a shelter! I didn't even feel like going on living but because of my beautiful two sons I forced myself. And thank God I found a new hope, a new life that I didn't know was possible. I found SBI Site Sell Services. A website that offers you guidance mentoring you and even have the tools to do it step by step like no other website can. I even at the moment have a challenge of R50000 from SBI running that there exist no other website like them. Have a look on my tool page at http://photogiftsmovieswebsolutions.com and go for it!:)
Service Areas
Locally and Internationally
Contact Persons
Samsodien Debra







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